a high-performing board

Only 29%1 of C-suite executives rate their board’s overall performance as good or excellent, according to a recent study by PwC.

This emphasizes the challenges organizations face in maintaining an engaged board that helps them stay ahead of the competition and achieve sustainable growth.

Together with Beverly Behan, a renowned global expert on board effectiveness and a #1 Amazon best-selling author on Corporate Governance, we’ve developed a comprehensive guide on how you can build a high-performing board. 

In this guide, you’ll get: 

  • 8 key factors to consider when building a high-performing board
  • Essential questions to assess whether your board is meeting its goals
  • 5 best practices to improve your board’s performance
  • Tools and tactics for optimizing and evaluating your board

Download the guide today for practical advice on improving your board’s performance 

1 2022 Board Effectiveness Survey by PwC and The Conference Board