A comprehensive guide to nonprofit executive committees: Roles and responsibilities

A comprehensive guide to nonprofit executive committees: Roles and responsibilities

Updated: June 20, 2024
8 min read
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With diverse experience and expertise, the executive committee bridges the gap between the board and the executive director. Nearly 75% of nonprofit boards empower these committees to provide focused leadership, according to BoardSource. 

Nevertheless, effective governance is essential for any nonprofit, and a well-functioning executive committee heavily depends on board effectiveness.

In this article, we’ll examine the specifics of nonprofit boards and how to evaluate executive directors and committees. 

executive committee agenda template

What is an executive committee nonprofit?

The nonprofit executive committee comprises experienced board members acting as central decision-making bodies. They serve as a focused version of the full board, attending regular executive session board meetings and providing organizational direction. 

All their specific authorities and processes are outlined in the executive committee charter for nonprofits. This roadmap defines the committee’s objectives, outlines its authority, and establishes clear processes for how it functions.   

Let’s take a closer look at the key characteristics of the nonprofit executive committee.


The nonprofit executive committee usually consists of the board chair, officers (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer), and sometimes committee chairs. The committee’s composition is determined by the organization’s bylaws, with some flexibility to include additional members with expertise relevant to the nonprofit’s mission.

Decision-making authority

The executive committee has the authority to decide on behalf of the full board between meetings, especially in urgent situations. It’s also described in the bylaws.

Size and efficiency

While larger organizations often opt for larger boards, the same doesn’t hold for executive committees. For optimal performance, a small group of 3–5 people should be enough. More recently, researchers have shown that decision-making effectiveness declines by 10% for each new member added after the seventh person.

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Typical nonprofit executive committee structure

The executive board normally includes the board’s key officials. They take up crucial leadership roles and bring extensive expertise to the table. 

Typically, nonprofit executive committees include the following executive committee members:

  1. The president is the board’s leader, responsible for giving direction and maintaining the committee’s effectiveness.
  2. The vice president (or vice chair) is the president’s right hand and frequently undertakes leadership responsibilities in their absence.
  3. The treasurer oversees the organization’s financial health. This board member also prepares financial reports.
  4. The secretary ensures that meetings are properly recorded and that official papers are maintained.  

Aside from the necessary executives, many nonprofit boards include other board members with particular expertise. This is where the structure may be customized to meet the organization’s unique requirements: 

  1. Committee chairs lead the standing committees (e.g., fundraising, marketing, and programs) and provide insights aligned with the broader objective of nonprofit organizations.
  2. At-large members contribute expertise and improve strategic planning. For example, a lawyer specializing in nonprofit law or a specialist in the group’s field of service might be excellent additions.
  3. For specific time-bound projects or investigations, the executive committee might appoint ad hoc committee members with relevant expertise. 

Nonprofit executive committee roles and responsibilities 

A non-profit executive committee thrives not only on a solid framework but also on the clear duties and responsibilities of its members. Thus, the key responsibilities of a nonprofit board’s executive committee are setting the strategic direction, prioritizing the work, addressing urgent matters, and bridging the gap between the CEO and the board of directors.

Here’s the breakdown of tasks and roles of the executive committee nonprofit board:

  • Setting the agenda. The committee identifies the most pressing issues and sets agendas for full board meetings focusing on the most significant matters.
  • Developing a long-term vision. Teaming up with the CEO and staff leaders, the committee shapes the organization’s long-term vision and strategy. 
  • Making time-sensitive decisions. For urgent issues that can’t wait for the full board, the committee has the authority to decide at executive committee meetings.
  • Overseeing key initiatives. They may provide oversight for critical projects or initiatives, monitoring progress and addressing any roadblocks.
  • Managing sensitive situations. Beyond strategic planning, the committee tackles sensitive issues in a confidential setting with executive communications.
  • CEO evaluation and support. The committees actively participate in evaluating the CEO’s performance, offering support and guidance along the way. 
  • Board development. The executive committee can even help attract and onboard new board members, building a strong governance culture within the board itself.

Proven fundraising strategies for nonprofit executive committees

For non-profit executive committees, keeping the funding pipeline flowing is a never-ending but critical task. Sure, bringing in new donors is essential, but holding onto the supporters you already have is just as important. After all, every dollar raised translates into a real impact, making a positive difference.

Let’s explore the proven fundraising strategies for nonprofits.

Cultivate major donors

Donors who give generously are like lifelines for non-profits, providing crucial long-term support. In fact, building strong connections with these major donors is key to a sustainable organization. 

Take a page from the American Red Cross playbook, for example. They established a dedicated team focused solely on major donations. This team connects with high-net-worth individuals in a personalized way, and the results speak for themselves: a major boost that allows them to react faster to disasters.

Leverage your board’s network

Board members often come with impressive professional connections. Encourage them to leverage their networks to find potential donors who could be a great fit for your cause. 

Feeding America, for example, has a brilliant strategy. They train their board members to become fundraising promoters, equipping them with the tools to build relationships with potential donors within their own circles. 

Utilize digital fundraising tools

The digital world offers numerous opportunities to connect with supporters. Social media platforms, crowdfunding sites, and email marketing can all help you expand your reach and build a community around your cause. 

For instance, take inspiration from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). They use social media to share compelling stories about conservation efforts, building emotional connections with viewers. On top of that, they offer online donation options, ensuring it’s easy for people to contribute when they’re moved.

When should your nonprofit establish an executive committee?

While many nonprofits benefit from an executive committee, it’s not always necessary. For smaller organizations with a less complex structure, the full board may be able to handle all essential duties. Consider the size and complexity of your organization when making this decision.

Additionally, there may be legal requirements outlined in your organization’s bylaws regarding the committee formation and operation. That’s why you should review your bylaws carefully to ensure compliance.

Note: Learn more about best practices for nonprofit boards of directors in our dedicated article.

What challenges do nonprofit executive committees face?

Steering a nonprofit organization is inspiring, but it comes with its unique set of challenges. Let’s dive into some of the biggest hurdles these dedicated leaders face every day.

Challenge 1. Fundraising uncertainty and restricted funding

Securing reliable funding is always challenging and requires careful balancing. Fundraising efforts can be unpredictable, and even grants that come through often have strings attached, limiting how the money can be spent. 

While a recent survey by the Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) showed some improvement, with over half of respondents reporting more flexible funding practices from donors in 2023 compared to 2020, the question remains: is this a new trend, or a temporary blip? 

Challenge 2. Balancing mission and financial sustainability

Effective budgeting relies heavily on accurate forecasts of both income and expenses. Unfortunately, for nonprofits, predicting revenue can be a real head-scratcher. Unlike for-profit businesses with more consistent income streams, nonprofits face inherent uncertainties.

GrantWatch, a grant funding search engine, reports that only one in ten grant applications are successful. Additionally, a 2023 “State of Grantseeking Report” by GrantStation revealed that for nearly half of respondents, recurring grants make up just 10% or less of their total grant funding. 

Challenge 3. Staffing and compensation challenges

Many nonprofits struggle to hire and keep talented staff. For-profit companies offer much more attractive salaries and benefits, creating a competitive disadvantage for nonprofits.

The root of this problem lies in grant funding limitations. Many grants don’t cover, or underfund, administrative overhead costs, including salaries. As a result, this leaves nonprofits with limited resources to offer competitive compensation. 

However, there’s a positive shift. As of 2023, there’s been an overall 6% rise in average salaries for nonprofit employees, and some funders are starting to acknowledge the issue. They’re now offering support for both direct program expenses and indirect administrative costs.

How iDeals Board helps optimize the operations of the nonprofit executive committee

Managing sensitive documents, facilitating meetings, and ensuring efficient workflows can be overwhelming. iDeals Board offers a powerful solution for nonprofit executive committees.  

Here’s what it offers:

  • Secure and centralized communication. Exchange sensitive documents and conduct discussions on a single, secure platform, avoiding insecure email exchanges or scattered paper trails.
  • Streamlined meeting management. Create agendas, distribute materials, and conduct electronic voting from anywhere.
  • Robust document management. Maintain a secure and organized repository of board materials, past meeting minutes, and other critical documents.
  • Increased accessibility. iDeals Board offers a desktop version allowing committee members to securely access board materials, participate in discussions, conduct regular board meetings, and even vote on proposals on the go.
  • Enhanced security and compliance. Nonprofits often handle sensitive donor information and financial data. iDeals Board provides robust security features like two-factor authentication, data encryption, and granular permission controls. 

Key takeaways

Let’s quickly summarize the conclusions from the article.

  1. Nonprofit executive committees are small, focused leadership groups that guide the organization. They’re typically made up of the key board members.
  2. The nonprofit executive committee sets direction, manages priorities, tackles urgent issues, oversees projects, and supports the board.
  3. Fundraising is a crucial part of the executive committee’s perspective, and successful strategies involve cultivating major donors, leveraging board member connections, and using digital tools.
  4. Nonprofit executive committees face challenges like uncertain funding, balancing mission with finances, and staffing difficulties, but positive trends are emerging.
  5. iDeals Board offers a user-friendly platform that simplifies communication, meeting management, document organization, and secure access for your team.

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